Assessing the impact of measures taken by the Kenyan government to curb the spread of Covid-19 on provision of health services

Assessing the impact of measures taken by the Kenyan government to curb the spread of Covid-19 on provision of health services

Investigator:  Dr. Francis Makokha

Others:  Dr. Jonine Figueroa, Dr. Tabither Gitau, Ms. Elizabeth Muli, Dr. Ancent Nzioka, Dr. Sharon Mweni

Donor: Scottish Funding Council/Grand Challenges Research Fund (SFC-GCRF) University of Edinburgh internal grant

Total Funding amount and funding period:  £60,554 May-July 2020

Key activities

  1.  Assessing patient attendance trends
  2. Developed mobile app and dashboard for patient follow-up
  3. Followed patients who missed scheduled clinic appointments and referred some for review at public hospital nearest to their residences
  4. Facilitated review of patients jointly by clinicians at referral facilities and specialists at Machakos Level 5 Hospital

Partner institutions

  1. University of Edinburgh
  2. Technical University of Kenya
  3. Department of Health, Machakos County
  4. Research Hut
  5. Nice Touch Technologies