Investigator: Dr. Francis Makokha
Others: Dr. Jonine Figueroa, Dr. Tabither Gitau, Ms. Elizabeth Muli, Dr. Ancent Nzioka, Dr. Sharon Mweni
Donor: Scottish Funding Council/Grand Challenges Research Fund (SFC-GCRF) University of Edinburgh internal grant
Total Funding amount and funding period: £60,554 May-July 2020
Key activities
- Assessing patient attendance trends
- Developed mobile app and dashboard for patient follow-up
- Followed patients who missed scheduled clinic appointments and referred some for review at public hospital nearest to their residences
- Facilitated review of patients jointly by clinicians at referral facilities and specialists at Machakos Level 5 Hospital
Partner institutions
- University of Edinburgh
- Technical University of Kenya
- Department of Health, Machakos County
- Research Hut
- Nice Touch Technologies