Stella Wangari
Department: Psychology, Languages And Humanities
Email: swangari@mku.ac.ke, wangaristl@gmail.com
Research Interests: Applied linguistics Language and communication
Stella Wangari is a tutorial fellow in the department of Psychology, Languages and Humanities at Mount Kenya University. Her research focus is applied linguistics especially corporate rhetoric and communication, corpus linguistics and technology as well as sociolinguistics. She also serves as the examination coordinator in the department of psychology, languages and humanities domiciled at the school of social sciences. Her teaching interests include Discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, translation and interpretation besides English grammar. Her key qualifications: language policy & planning, Translation, English curriculum development, public speaking training and coaching.
Publications: :https://doi.org/10.15294/lc.v18i1.47447
Memberships: LAEA-Language Association of Eastern Africa
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=5_DTST4AAAAJ