Prof. Pamela Ochieng
University Email: pochieng@mku.ac.ke, Personal Email: elaochieng@mku.ac.ke
Academic qualifications :
- PhD in Educational Administration.
- Master in Educational Administration Planning and Curriculum Development (Educational administration
- Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Research focus:
- Education and Digital Literacy
- Education and Gender issues
- Research and Development
- Special Needs and Inclusion
- Education and Technology
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Management/Leadership and Policy Development.
- Early Childhood Development Issues
- 8th June 2022: Proposal for a Book chapter in the Handbook of Research on Competence –Based Curriculum and E-Learning in Higher Education. Chapter Title: Educators Professional Practices and classroom engagement in on line and Blended Learning Settings (Presented to IGI Global Publisher of Timely knowledge, Proposal Accepted)
- 20th May 2022: Higher Education towards a culture of promoting peace and social wellness among communities in Kenya. (A paper presented at the 2nd international Conference on Peace, Security and Social Enterprise (2022)
- February 2021: The Synergy between the Cooperative Movement and Devolved Units in the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Kenya By Ms Rose Namikoye Masibili, Tobias Ochieng & Prof Pamela Ochieng. Peer Review Log 27 JOPEA : Journal of Popular Education in Africa January, February & March 2021, Volume 5, Number 1, 2 & 3 ISSN 2523-2800 (online) https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/pdf-masibili-et-al-the-synergy-between-the-cooperative-movement-and-devolved-units.pdf
- 26-October-2020: Influence of Instructional Resources Provision and performance in Mathematics subject in public Girls Secondary Schools in Baringo Central sub-county. Submission ID: 1426307531 File by Changwony, _Ochieng_Chemwei_2020_-_East African Journal of Education Studies (EAJES) Article.docx Vol2, Issue1,2020Print ISSN2707-3939, On-line ISSN 27073917 https://journals.eanso.org/index.php/eajes/article/view/231
- September,2020: An Assessment of School Management Practices and Its Influence On Students’ Unrest Management in Public Secondary Schools in Meru County, Kenya. AJOEI 26th of September 2020 African Journal of Emerging Issues(AJOEI). ISSN:2663-9335 Vol 2 Issue 10 2020 by Jacob Bundi Marete, Dr. Mary Mugwe, Prof. Pamela Ochieng & Prof. George N. Reche
- 2020 June: Influence of Gender Stereotyping Dynamics on Appointment of Female Teachers as Secondary School Principals in Makueni Sub-county, Makueni County, Kenya by John Munyao Mulan, Prof. Pamela Ochieng’ and Dr. Reuben K. Kenei submitted to International Journal for Innovation Education and Research: https://www.ijier.net/ijier/authorDashboard/submission/2419
- 2020, May: Influence of Provision of Teaching and Learning Resources in Implementation of Curriculum on KCPE Performance in Belgut Sub-County, Kenya, by Bett Cheruiyot Titus Morogo, Pamela Ochieng, & Paul Edabu Published by Journal of Education 2(4) April, 2020
- 2020, April: Influence of Head Teachers’ Evaluation in Curriculum Instructional Implementation on KCPE Performance in Belgut Sub-County, Kenya by Bett Cheruiyot Titus. M, , Prof. Pamela Ochieng PhD and, Dr. Paul Edabu Ph.D. Published by Journal of Education 2(4) April 2020, ISSN 1569-9986
- 2020 March SAGE Publication: Influence of Instructional Resources Provision and Performance in Mathematics Subject in Public Girls Secondary Schools Baringo Central Sub-County By Changwony, Rose; Ochieng, Pamela; Chemwei, Bernard (SO-20-0762): SITE URL: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/sageopen
- 2020 January Book, ISBN-13: 978-620-0-55009-5,ISBN-10:6200550093 EAN:9786200550095,Book language: English, Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Website: https://www.lap-publishing.com/,By Pamela A .Ochieng Published on: 2020-02-01, BASICS OF RESEARCH, THEORY AND PRACTICE, EDUCATION
- 2020 February, Children Rights to Education in Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL), Kenya: ADDIE Model Approach. Ochieng, Pamela A. (Paper presented at UOE conference, Publication by African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST) (Vol 5 No. 4 2020) https://www.ajest.info
- 2018 October, An Evaluation of the Virtual Learning Platform for Post-Graduate studies in Kenya: Challenges, Prospects and Lessons in a Changing Education Landscape (Conference paper at Multidisciplinary conference at Mount Kenya University by Kennedy Mutundu, Pamela Ochieng, Jefitha Muchiri and Bonface malala.)
- 2018 June; promoting education for sustainable development: the role of technology in supporting the development of graduate employability. (conference paper by ISCN conference proceedings.(https://www.kth.se/om/miljo-hallbar-utveckling/event/iscn-2018/iscn-2018-1.730145)
- 2017 March; Inclusive Education for the Visually Challenged Students in Primary Teacher Training Institutions; Kenyan Perspectives by Pamela Ochieng (published by the European Journal of special Education research, ISSBN;2501-2428)