Prof Bindu Madhavi
Department: Pharmaceutics and Pharmacy Practice
Email: mbindu@mku.ac.ke
Research Interests: Novel drug delivery and Herbal formulations
Prof Bindu Madhavi Boddupalli is the Ag HOD and a Professor in School of Pharmacy Mount Kenya University. She is expertise in teaching and research with an experience of 19 years. Her research focus is in development of novel formulations and in herbal formulations. Her teaching interest is in training students in formulation development, quality control, physical pharmaceutics, dose calculations, pharmacokinetics and practical experiments in regard. She is currently focused on retrospective cross sectional studies involving diabetes, tuberculosis, obesity, chronic kidney diseases and cancer along with her passion for formulation development. She supervised and supervising graduates, post graduates and doctoral students for their research projects.
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Publications 2023: doi: 10.37284/eajhs.6.2.1607