Mr. Bonface Joel Malala
Email: jmalala@gmail.com
Tel: +254724035747
Research Interests : Malaria, Alcohol & Drug abuse, Entrepreneurship
Mr. Bonface Joel Malala serves as the Head, Grants Office in the Directorate of Grants and Development at Mount Kenya University. As the Head of Grants Office, Mr Malala is tasked with monitoring and implementation both local and international funded projects at the university. Mr Malala has over five years’ experience in his current position and has gained vast hands-on experience in grants management ensuring researchers conform to set donor standards and requirements to enhance success as well as maintaining high integrity level to the potential donors. Currently, Mr Malala is overseeing implementation of grants worth over USD 25,000,000 funded by different donors globally including; European Union (EA), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Africa Academy of Sciences (AAS), Commonwealth, Royal Society, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Grand Challenges Africa (GCA) Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), National Institute of Health (NIH), Mayo Clinic-USA, Mount Kenya University (MKU), National Research Fund (NRF) among others. In addition to Grant management skills acquired through secondment position as Head of Grants, Mr Malala is a certified trainer of Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion (STEP) and serves as the STEP Coordinator for Mount Kenya University. For the past 5 years, Mr Malala has coordinated STEP trainings in collaboration with Leauphana University (Germany), Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM) and Kenyatta University where over 1000 MKU students and over 3000 youths from 14 counties (14 out of 47 counties) and additional 45 youth addicted to alcohol from Gatanga through St. Emmanuel Catholic Church (Murang’a County) have been trained on entrepreneurship soft skills. Mr Malala is a Biochemist with a keen interest in Malaria, alcohol and drug abuse as well as entrepreneurship mentorship to youth. Mr Malala is also a consultant in technical projects focused on community or organizational development.
Grants and Funding (2023)
- Erasmus plus Mobility Grant -AK 171 (2023-2025)
- STEP Sustainability Project (2024-2027)
Research Projects (ongoing)
- Erasmus plus Staff & Student Mobility Project between MKU and UCM (Slovakia)
- Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion (STEP) for undergraduate and postgraduate students (Partners: Leuphana University (Germany), University of Venda (South Africa) and Godfrey Okoye University (Nigeria).
Collaborations (2023):
- UCM, Slovakia
- Leuphana University, Germany
- University of Veder (South Africa)
- Godfrey Okoye University, Nigeria
- Tunis University, Tunisia
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8sHt_yoAAAAJ&hl=en