Humphrey Mwambeo
Tutorial Fellow
Position: Head, Socio-Economic and Community Engagement Programme
Email: hmwambeo@mku.ac.ke
Academic Background
- Master of Arts Degree in Project Planning and Management, The University of Nairobi (Kenya)
- Post graduate Diploma in Forestry and Wildlife Conservation, Thomson Education Direct (USA)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Geography, The University of Nairobi (Kenya)
Professional information
- Executive Administrator (CEO) Christian and Scientific Association of Kenya (under Mount Kenya University)
- Programme Operations Manager Participatory Ecological Land-Use Management (PELUM-Kenya) – NGO
- Trust Manager (CEO) Ngare Ndare Forest Trust (NNFT)
- Project Coordinator East African Wildlife Society
Research focus
My research focus is in community development, natural resources management and agriculture
Publications in peer reviewed journals
- Onyancha, J. M., Wakori, E. W. T., Moriasi, G. A., Waiganjo, B. W. and Mwambeo, H. M. (2020). Plants Checklist of Mount Kenya University Botanic. International Journal of Modern Botany, 10(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.5923/j.ijmb.20201001.01
- Mwambeo, H.M and Maitho, T (2015) Factors influencing elephants to destroy forest trees especially Olea Africana: The case of Ngare Ndare forest reserve in Meru County, Kenya. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 8(4): 398 – 407
- Mwambeo H.M (2017) Evaluating the impact of human development activities within and outside wildlife protected areas on the behaviour of elephants in Africa – Review Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research Vol.2 Issue 5: 1508-1521
- Misonge JM, Moriasi AG, Wakori E, Kimondo JN, Muguku JK, Mungai G, Nickson OO, Mwambeo, H.M (2016) Assessment of Biodiversity and Conservation Status of Plants at Mount Kenya University Botanical Garden, Thika Sub-County, Kiambu County Kenya International Journal of Conservation and Biodiversity 8(6), 120-125
- Ndung’u, E.N and Mwambeo, H.M (2015) Factors leading to poor performance and subsequent closure of small businesses in Kenya: The case of Thika Sub County. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies ISSN 2321- 9203
- Gitaka J, Mwambeo H.M, Gatungu D.M, Githanga D, Abuya T, (2018) Evaluating Quality Neonatal Care, Call Centre Service, Tele-Health and Community Engagement in Reducing Newborn Morbidity and Mortality In Bungoma County, Kenya Journal of Implementation Science ISSN 1748-5908
- Mwambeo H.M, Gatungu DM, Natecho A, Gitaka J (2019) Assessment of neonatal health facilities, staff skills and neonatal health in Bungoma County, Kenya (International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences) in press
Other Publications: Contributions and editorial
- Barriers to adoption and consequent conversion to agricultural ecological land use practices 2013: ISBN 978-9966-060-43-3 (editorial)
- Ecological Land Use Management Principles and Guidelines 2013: A handbook for ecological land use management practitioners (contribution)
- Popular version of the National Environment Management Policy (2012) (contribution)
- Toleo Maarufu la Sera ya Kitaifa ya Mazingira (2012) (contribution)
Patent registered (Intellectual Property Right)
Elephant Excluder (An innovation for restraining elephants from straying out of protected areas into community farmlands) patent number KE/P/2018/3032