Dr. Gilbert Maroko
Email: marokomokua@gmail.com/ gmokua@mku.ac.ke
Tel. 0720939879
Department: Psychology, Languages & Humanities
Research Interests : Mental health, psychometrics, HIV/AIDS,
Dr Maroko is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology, languages & Humanities, Mount Kenya University. He is a psychological researcher with extensive experience in psychometrics, psychological testing and assessment, neuro-psychopharmacological research, self-concealment studies, quantitative data analysis and mental disorders. Maroko is widely published in peer reviewed journals and has presented papers on research findings at both local and international conferences. Besides being a researcher of psychology, he served as the Head of Psychology Department at Mount Kenya University from March 2016 to August 2023 where he coordinated research activities among faculty and postgraduate students. He is currently the coordinator of attachment at the department.
Publications 2023 in (scopus /scimagojr) :
1. Postpartum Depression Among Breastfeeding Teenagers in Kiambu County, Kenya: Impact of Psychological Constructs. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 13(10), 413-419.
DOI:10.29322/IJSRP.13.10.2023.p14252. https://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.13.10.2023.p14
2. ). Influence of psychological factors on adolescent deviancy amongst pupils from single-mother families in public primary schools in Nairobi county, Kenya. International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, 5(2), https://www.irjp.org/index.php/IRJSEH/article/view/130
Memberships (2023)
1. Counsellors and Psychologists (C&P) Board Certificate of Registration No. C&P/P/0150/2023
2. Kenya Counselling and Psychological Association (KCPA/3427/15)
3. Kenyan Guidance, Counselling and Psychological Association (REG. No. KGCPA/245/15)
4. Kenya Association of Educational Administration and Management (Membership No: 2015191)