Dr. Dominic M. Mogere
Department: Community Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Email: dmogere@gmail.com/ drmogere@mku.ac.ke
Tel. :+254 720 823 497
Dr. Mogere is Senior Lecturer in the department of Community Health , Epidemiology and Biostatistics ,School of Public Health, Mount Kenya University. His professional focus is community and primary healthcare with special interests in prevention and control of communicable and non communicable diseases, health education and promotion and also socio- dimensions of health. He is a consultant specialized in the fields of community and public health. His key qualifications cover: Community health and Development, public health; health systems management and public health . He is also a mentor and supervisor of graduate students, external reviewer to various journals,researcher and consultant and trainer . He is the programme leader for three degree programmes in the school of public health.
Research Interests Publications
- 2023 in (scopus /scimagojr) provide DOI or hyperlink
- Community Health Interventions
- Prevention and control of Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases
- Health Education and promotion
- Social Dimensions of Health Lisa Merry, Dominic Mogere, Dan Odindo. Nancy Edwards (2019): Transnational family support and perspectives from family members back home: a pilot study in Kisumu, Kenya. Journal of Global Health . Rep 2019 :e2019025
Patents (2023)
-Referral and Counter Referral Model- https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Model-for-referral-and-counter-referral-pathways-for-levels-1-2-and-3-of-health-care_fig1_270956030 / https://www.valueinhealthjournal.com/article/S1098-3015(14)00871- 7/fulltext?_returnURL= https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS1098301514008717%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
-Bedbugs detection and surveillance tool-https://afritvetjournal.org/index.php/Afritvet/article/view/131
-Meta Analysis and Systematic Review Protocol – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36718718/
Publication 2023
-Harrison Waweru & Jesse Gitaka (2024) : Predictors of birth weight in pregnant women with malaria: a prospective cohort facility-based study in Webuye-Kenya. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth volume 24, Article number: 187 (pages 1-24)
-Faustin 1. Ntezimana , Nilufa Jivraj , Mogere Dominic ( 2023): Association between Nursing Communication and Missed Nursing Care by Nurses at University Teaching and Referral Hospital in Rwanda: Asian Journal of Research in Nursing and Health Issue: 2023 – Volume 6 [Issue 1] pages 80-91
-Eloi Havyarimana Joseph Nyamai, Dominic Mogere (2023) Risk Factors Associated with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Among Women Who Were Attending Postnatal Services at Thika Level Five Hospital Kiambu County, Kenya . International Journal of Current Aspects 7(3):40-60 DOI: 10.35942/688nkn80
-Faustin Ntezimana, Nilufa Jivraj,Mogere Dominic ( 2023): Determinants of Missed Nursing Care by Nurses at University Teaching and Referral Hospital (Chuk) of Kigali in Rwanda DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1545346/v1 ( 12 pages )
-Yusuf Misau, D Mogere, Mbaruk Suleiman (2023): Educational Interventions for Antibiotics Misuse and Self-Medication in Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Protocol. West African Journal of Medicine 40(1):114-120
-N Zachary, D Mogere and J Mugo. ( 2023) Determinants of Community HIV Index Testing among HIV Index Clients in Yirol West County, South Sudan International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health. Article no.IJTDH.103200 ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866
-N Zachary, D Mogere and J Mugo. ( 2023) Determinants of Community HIV Index Testing among HIV Index Clients in Yirol West County, South Sudan International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health. Article no.IJTDH.103200 ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866
-Niyongabo Livingstone Eric, Alfred Owino Odongo, Dominic Mogere (2023) The Influence of Community Health Workers on Uptake of Maternal Health Services: Case Study of Musanze District, Rwanda:Asian Journal of Medicine and Health 21(9):44-58 DOI: 10.9734/ajmah/2023/v21i9854
-Joseph Wanyama Barasa ,Atei Kerochi ,Dominic Mogere ( 2023):Adherence to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among key populations (KPs): an analytical cross-sectional study in Matayos Sub County, Busia County, Kenya DOI: https://doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20231266
-Yusuf Misau,Dominic Mogere, Suleiman Mbaruk,Segun Bello,Olabisi Adejibike Oduwole (2023): Prevalence and reasons associated with antibiotics misuse and self-medication among adults in Nigeria: A systematic review and meta-analysis [Protocol]Pyramid Journal of Medicine 5(1) DOI: 10.4081/pjm.2022.211
-Bior Daniel Dhieu, Dominic Mogere, Teresa Ngonjo (2023) Self-Medication Practice and Associated Factors in under-Five Children by Parents in Bortown, Jonglei State, South Sudan DOI: https://doi.org/10.1234/ijpp.v11i3.316
-Ndungu, W. D., Mogere, D. M., & Atei , K. (2023). Determinants of neonatal mortality in Margaret Kenyatta Mother Baby Wing at Nakuru level 5 hospital, Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 10(7), 2301–2308. https://doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20231770
-Joseph Mukala, Dominic Mogere, Peter Kirira, Bernard Kanoi, Violet Akinyi, Francis Kobia, Harrison Waweru, Jesse Gitaka (2023) Predictors of low birth weight in pregnant women with malaria: a prospective cohort facility-based study in Webuye-Kenya doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.10.09.23296556
-Ibrahim Gedi Mohamed, Alfred Owino Odongo, Dominic Mogere ( 2023): Factors Influencing Choice of Place for Child Delivery among Child Bearing-Aged Women in Balambala Sub-County, Garissa County, Kenya: International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 44(20):40-47 DOI: 10.9734/ijtdh/2023/v44i201488 (pages 40-47)
ORCID Data base: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4412-4489
Research gate Database: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Dominic-Mogere-2145175288
Google Scholar data base: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Iu5I6Q8AAAAJ