Cyrus Mutie Paul
Email: cmutie@mku.ac.ke / paulmutiecyrus@gmail.com
Cyrus Mutie is a research scientist and a Lecturer specializing in spatial epidemiology, behavioural science, community health nursing and international/global health. He is a Doctoral Candidate in Community Health Nursing, currently in his second year and doing data collection for his PhD Thesis project. His career spans clinical nursing, academia and research in both private and public sectors. He has authored several peer-reviewed publications in refereed journals. He also reviews for several scientific journals. His research interests are in the spatial distribution of infectious diseases, majorly HIV & STIs among key population groups.
Research Interests : Global Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health for Key Population Health, Community Health Nursing, HIV/AIDS Care, Spatial Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Sexual Network Analysis, and Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis studies.
Publications 2023:
Research Projects (ongoing):
A Behavior Change Communication Intervention to Enhance HIV/AIDS Risk Reduction among Long-distance trucker s in Kenya; a Quasi Experimental Study
(2023): Global Health Network
Google scholar link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2oAlaMAAAAAJ&hl=en
ORCID: 0000-0002-3972-3172