PI: Dr Jesse Gitaka Donor/Funder African Academy of Sciences Amount :USD 200,000 Duration :2021-2023 Research focus: To develop a SARSCoV2 Ag test using the Wheat Germ Cell free system
IFAST for Covid 19 Diagnosis at the Point of Care
PI: Dr Jesse Gitaka Donor/Funder :Newton prize Duration :2021 Amount :GBP 200,000 Research focus: Develop microfluidics based lab-in-a-chip diagnostic for Covid 19
Monitored implementation of antigen detection rapid diagnostic tests for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
PI: Dr Jesse Gitaka Donor/Funder :WHO Amount :USD 200,000 Duration :2021 Research focus: Assess the field performance, feasibility, acceptability and impact of SD Biosensor antigen detecting SARS-CoV-2 rapid diagnostic Read More
Development and deployment of lateral flow antigen test for COVID-19
PI: Dr Ernest Wandera Mentor/Co-investigator: Dr Jesse Gitaka) Donor/Funder : EDCTP Duration :2021-2024 Amount:149,992 Euros Research focus: Develop a lateral flow antigen (LFA) strip test Evaluate the test reliability (sensitivity, Read More