Feb 2025 Active Research Grants

Feb 2025 Active Research Grants

Grant Sources: HKY-Mount Kenya University

Numerous global organizations offer grants to support research initiatives across Africa. Here’s a curated list of notable entities:

  1. The Global Health Network Africa
  • Focus: Empowering African researchers by connecting them with resources for impactful research.
  • Opportunities: Regularly updated funding opportunities spanning various fields of global health and beyond.
  • More Information:


  • fundsforNGOs provide listings of open small grant opportunities for African countries.


Multilateral and Governmental Organizations

  1. European Union (EU) – Horizon Europe
  1. Funds research & innovation collaborations, including African institutions.
  2. African Union (AU) Research Grants
    • Supports science, technology, and innovation (STI) research in Africa.
  3. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    • Provides grants for research on sustainable development.
  4. World Bank – Development Impact Evaluation (DIME)
    • Funds policy-relevant research in Africa.
  5. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
    • Supports research on health, education, and economic development.

Science and Research-Specific Funders

  1. African Academy of Sciences (AAS) – AESA (Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa)
    • Manages multiple grants for African researchers.
  2. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    • Supports health, agriculture, and innovation research.
  3. Wellcome Trust
    • Funds biomedical and health research in Africa.
  4. National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA)
    • Provides funding for health research in Africa.
  5. International Development Research Centre (IDRC, Canada)
  6. Supports research on social and economic development.

Academic and Innovation Grant Funders

  1. Carnegie Corporation of New York
  • Supports higher education and research in Africa.
  1. The Royal Society (UK)
  • Funds early-career African scientists in STEM fields.
  1. DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
  • Provides research grants for African scholars.
  1. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Supports African researchers for academic collaboration with Germany.
  1. Erasmus+ (European Commission)
  • Funds higher education and research collaborations with Africa.

Private Foundations and Industry Funders

  1. Ford Foundation
  • Provides grants for research on social justice and human rights.
  1. Rockefeller Foundation
  • Funds research on health, food systems, and resilience.
  1. Schmidt Futures
  • Supports emerging African researchers in technology and innovation.
  1. Mastercard Foundation
  • Funds research on youth employment and entrepreneurship.
  1. Google Research Africa
  • Provides grants for AI and technology-related research.
  1. European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)
    • Focus: Supports collaborative clinical research to accelerate the development of medical interventions against poverty-related diseases in sub-Saharan Africa.
    • More Information: edctp.org
  2. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
    • Focus: Provides grants for agricultural research and rural development projects to improve food security and reduce poverty in developing countries, including those in Africa.
    • More Information: ifad.org
  3. African Development Bank (AfDB)
    • Focus: Offers funding for research and development projects that promote economic growth and social progress across African nations.
    • More Information: afdb.org
  4. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
    • Focus: Provides grants for research cooperation to strengthen research capacity and knowledge production in low-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.
    • More Information: sida.se
  5. Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)
    • Focus: Supports research initiatives that contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development in African countries.
    • More Information: norad.no

Science and Research-Specific Funders

  1. International Foundation for Science (IFS)
    • Focus: Provides grants to early-career scientists in developing countries, including Africa, to conduct research in natural and applied sciences.
    • More Information: ifs.se
  2. The Royal Society – Africa Prize
    • Focus: Recognizes and supports outstanding early-career African scientists with grants to aid their research efforts.
    • More Information: royalsociety.org
  3. The Leverhulme Trust
    • Focus: Offers research fellowships and grants to support international collaborations, including partnerships with African researchers.
    • More Information: leverhulme.ac.uk
  4. The Volkswagen Foundation
    • Focus: Funds cooperative research projects between German and African scholars, particularly in the humanities and social sciences.
    • More Information: volkswagenstiftung.de
  5. The Wellcome Trust – International Master’s Fellowships
    • Focus: Provides funding for researchers from low- and middle-income countries to pursue a Master’s degree in a health-related field, including those in Africa.
    • More Information: wellcome.org

Academic and Innovation Grant Funders

  1. The British Academy
    • Focus: Offers funding for research in the humanities and social sciences, supporting collaborations between UK and African scholars.
    • More Information: thebritishacademy.ac.uk
  2. The Newton Fund
    • Focus: Provides grants to support science and innovation partnerships between the UK and developing countries, including several African nations.
    • More Information: newtonfund.ac.uk
  3. The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA)
    • Focus: Offers grants to promote research collaboration among African universities and with international partners.
    • More Information: arua.org.za
  4. The Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA)
    • Focus: Provides grants and fellowships to support doctoral training and research in public health and social sciences across African institutions.
    • More Information: cartafrica.org
  5. The Science for Africa Foundation
    • Focus: Offers research grants and supports initiatives to strengthen the research ecosystem across the African continent.
    • More Information: scienceforafrica.foundation

Private Foundations and Industry Funders

  1. The Open Society Foundations
    • Focus: Provides grants for research and advocacy projects that promote democratic governance, human rights, and social justice in Africa.
    • More Information: opensocietyfoundations.org
  2. The MacArthur Foundation
    • Focus: Supports research initiatives addressing global challenges, including those affecting African societies.
    • More Information: macfound.org
  3. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
    • Focus: Provides grants for higher education and scholarship in the humanities and arts, supporting institutions and researchers in Africa.
    • More Information: mellon.org
  4. The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program
    • Focus: Offers grants to support academic and research opportunities for young Africans, emphasizing leadership and community service.
    • More Information: mastercardfoundation.org
  5. The Google AI Impact Challenge
    • Focus: Provides grants to support innovative artificial intelligence research and applications that address societal challenges, including projects led by African researchers.
    • More Information: ai.google

Engaging with these organizations can significantly enhance research initiatives across Africa. For a regularly updated list of funding opportunities, you may also consult resources like The Global Health Network Africa.
