Dr. John Kisengi
Department: Pharmaceutics and Pharmacy Practice
Email: johnkisengi@gmail.com/ jkisengi@mku.ac.ke
Tel: +254721773873
Dr. John Munguti Kisengi is the Accreditation Coordinator at the College of Health Sciences, Mount Kenya University. His professional focus is especially on innovation in SMEs and entrepreneurship promotion in the pharmaceutical space with a focus on formulation of herbal products from indigenous plants for the benefit of the Kenyan patients. His key qualifications cover: health project management, project monitoring and evaluation, and pharmaceutical business innovation and start up. He has mentored several pharmaceutical business start-ups and is a member of the Board of Directors in several pharmaceutical companies.
Previously he has been engaged by the Ministry of Health in Kenya in various policy development projects such as: Being appointed to the Working Group of the Ministry of Health to review and develop the Kenya National Pharmaceutical Policy (2023); Appointed to the Steering Committee of the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya representing Academia to develop the Pharmacy Practitioners Bill, 2023; Member of the Committee that developed two national documents: A) Model Curriculum for the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) ; (B) Guidelines for the Upgrading from Diploma to the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) (2023); Appointment by the CS Health to the Board of Directors of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board to represent institutions of Higher Education (2022-2023).
Dr Kisengi is also the Treasurer and a member of the National Executive Council of the Association of Pharmacy Schools of Kenya, the umbrella body that brings together the academic staff of the 9 Public and Private Universities training Pharmacists in Kenya.
Research Interests: Herbal Products Development and Formulation
Research Projects (ongoing): Formulation of herbal products for women health
Google scholar link & ORCID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Cmo6pksAAAAJ