Dr. Allan Mweke
Email: amweke@mku.ac.ke
Lecturer-department of Animal Health and Production since January 2020.
Crop protection, plant health and Phytosanitary expert. Holds Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in agricultural sciences from Humboldt University Berlin, Germany specializing in insect pathology and integrated pest management; master’s degree in Crop protection from The University of Nairobi and a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources Management (Egerton University). Undertook postdoctoral studies at the university of Nairobi in 2022. Both masters and PhD research were undertaken under scholarship at the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Supervising masters and PhD students. Has won the following grants: Formas/NRF Kenya (2024)-Advancement and adaptation of agricultural biologicals to meet sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmers’ needs and build sustainable food systems. UK innovate (2022-2023)-Development of a novel fruit fly protein bait for management of fruit fly; AgriFoSe2030 (2022)-“Identifying hurdles of use and a Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) analysis of stakeholders in sub-Saharan Africa” (Post-doctoral) and NRF (2017-2022)-Development of an integrated management strategy for false codling moth (Thaumatotibia leucotreta); Research interest: development of biopesticides, plant protection, integrated pest management, phytosanitary regulations and standards, agroecology and sustainable crop production.
Research interest
Plant Protection, insect pathology integrated pest management, pest management, Phytosanitary regulations and standards, climate change adaptions, resilience and mitigation, agroecology
Grants and Funding (2023/2024)
1. SDG Formas/NRF Kenya grant- Advancement and adaptation of agricultural biologicals to meet sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmers’ needs and build sustainable food systems.
2. UK innovate (2022-2023-Development of a novel fruit fly protein bait for management of fruit fly
3. Advancement and adaptation of agricultural biologicals to meet sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmers’ needs and build sustainable food systems Research Projects (ongoing)
1. Advancement and adaptation of agricultural biologicals to meet sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmers need and build sustainable food systems(won in 2024)
2. Advancement and adaptation of agricultural biologicals to meet sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmers’ needs and build sustainable food systems
Google scholar link & ORCID