Members of the Research team from MKU and Del Monte Kenya Ltd. pose for a photo after visiting Mr. Davis Thuo, Research & Development manager, (Del Monte Kenya Ltd.) to discuss ways through which the two institutions can partner and collaborate in research on February 6, 2014.
From the right: Ms. Carolyn Achieng’a, Senior Departmental Head, Special Projects & Plantation Quality Control (Del Monte Kenya Ltd.), Mr. Samuel Chomba (Senior Departmental Head Agronomy (Del Monte Kenya Ltd.), Dr. Nancy Cheseto, Deputy Director, Enterprise & Innovation (MKU), Dr. Peter Kirira, Deputy Director, Research & Development (MKU), Mr. Charles Muriuki, Departmental Head, Research & Development Laboratory, (Del Monte Kenya Ltd.), Dr. Samuel Karenga, HoD Pure & Applied Sciences Research Program (MKU). Delmonte Kenya ltd-Report